The flight across the ocean was almost worse than expected. It was so hot and stuffy on the plane and wearing masks made it just so much fun! We snacked a lot because you could have your mask off for eating. 😂 Sleeping definitely did not happen for me or the two oldest. Blake and Sam caught a few Zs. We touched down here in Iwakuni last Friday and it was a balmy 99°,… Instant sweat! Ha ha. The humidity was unreal! We’ve been to Hong Kong, and Thailand, and Central America and we’ve experienced intense humidity, but maybe this was worse because we were short on sleep and long on luggage and grumpy kids. We had a short briefing and then loaded up our many bags and suitcases and got on a bus to go to our new home.
We were the first house that the bus stopped at, and I knew the house instantly because I had done many searches on Google maps with satellite view to locate our new home and check out our yard and surroundings (I like surprises, but not when it comes to our new home). Our sponsors had prepared chicken and rice for us in a crockpot (bless them)! We hadn’t had a meal in a while and all we wanted was real food and then beds.
BLESSED AIR CONDITIONING! This was one of the first things we noticed in our new home. It was gloriously cool! We had been without AC in our SoCal home for the last three years, which was always ok until August and September when the inside of our home would easily reach 80 degrees and we’d all be melting inside. Yeah, first world problems. 🙄 And I can still be grateful, so so grateful for ac. 😁
We have also been incredibly blessed by some amazing women here (Expats)! The outpouring of generosity and love while we’re in ROM has been amazing! I’m beginning to see why people love this duty station! People really come together and treat you like family. We’ve had meals provided, toys donated, volunteers go to the store for us for food and other items we need. I’ve had so many of the branch members here message me to check in and ask how the can “bless” my family. 💗 I can’t wait to get out of ROM and hug these beautiful ladies, most of whom I’ve never met in person.
We’ve been doing our best to stay sane while quarantined. The boys are doing alright. Between all the toys we’ve received and screen time, they’re surviving- probably better than me .👍 Our sponsors provided us with a pool for the kids, and that has been a life saver!! Blake has already started working. His office space is the kitchen table. I thought we’d have nothing going on and get to take turns napping, but such is life.
Some things I’ve noticed about where we live, and it’s not much because the most of Japan I’ve seen is my backyard:
Butterflies are huge! I see one every time I go out back and they are beautiful.
Bugs are plentiful. So, so many bugs. Jumping spiders and ants are what I have seen the most of. 😖 Also, lots of beetles and moths. No giant centipedes yet, hopefully ever.
Everything is green! I cannot wait to get into the great outdoors and see more of it!
First sunrise in Japan
Jet lag much?
Family grounding. Haha. Jet lag is zero fun.
So grateful for our sponsors who got this fun pool and toys!
Treats from our sponsors. Shaved ice with ice cream.
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